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Bootfitting Appointments - Book Here


Water Sprite lake

Description: The watersprite lake trail is long and rugged but very rewarding. The first half is a minor slog on an old forest service road but runners will eventually be rewarded with unique views of Mount Garibaldi. Eventually you will transition into a steep old growth forest with some short talus fields before popping out in the Watersprite Basin. Enjoy 360 views of Dreadnaught, Watersprite Tower, and Martin peak. If it's hot you should probably go for a swim in the crystal clear waters.

    • Distance: 18 KM
    • Difficulty: Challenging
    • Elevation Gain: 900 Meters +-
    • Where to Park: Watersprite Lake Trailhead
    • Surface: Roots, Rocks, Mud, Snow (seasonal)
    • Vehicle Access: 4WD with clearance recommended
    • Pets: Not recommended above the lake