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As you lace up your shoes on race day, recognize that the path to the finish line is paved with more than just physical endurance. Embracing gratitude and a positivity mindset are key race-day tools that will undoubtedly enhance your race experience.
The truth is, there is no one-shoe-quiver that works for all feet and all runners. Different shoes serve different purposes and understanding these different tools and what they are meant for can help you make well-informed decisions for your feet. At the end of the day not all shoes serve a single purpose, but here's how we generally organize them in categories.
We asked some of our staff members about their trusty Spring touring setups, why they use them, and a few of their tips and tricks. Tune in for a breakdown of what gear we prefer when it comes to moving efficiently, taking on a big line, or simply ‘hot dogging’ around!
The Uptrack - King and Queen of the Hill Week 1 by Alex