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Bootfitting Appointments - Book Here


Week #2 - Mt Kidd Lookout

Dusting off a classic from a former Bow Valley legend (Karl Augsten) to get you into the weeds of Kananaskis. This one is steeper than the growth curve for the price of a one bedroom apartment. You’re going to get pitted - so so so very pitted. It’s going to be hilarious, and fun. Always fun. So, without much ado we are positively tickled to present week #2 of the QOM/KOM taking place on the Mount Kidd Lookout Trail.

Week #2 Challenge

Mount Kidd Lookout Trail

GPX Track

Strava Segment - 500 (unofficial)

Parking for this one can be found on the south side of Kananaskis Village. There’s a good sized parking lot next to a playing field. Heading up from Kananaskis Mountain Village you will jump onto the Kovach trail.

On Kovach you’ll get a wee little warm-up as it winds its way up to the start of Mount Kidd Lookout Trail. After about 1.7 kms you’ll come to the junction of Kovach and the Lookout trail. This will be the starting point for the effort. It’s a little elusive initially so we will have it marked with some flagging tape, but it looks like this:

The trail will seem like a little bit of a rambly goat trail for a few hundred meters. Don’t worry, you’re going the right way and eventually the trail makes itself into an easy to follow piece of single track on some alpine-y bluffs.

The trail basically heads straight up the slope before joining the ridge. So, some disciplined power hiking will save some juice for the final third of the effort where you can open up your stride a bit more on the ridge. This effort is likely to favour those with a strong power hiking engine, but it will be interesting to see how those running purists play this one.

In any case, smash your body and lungs on the last few hundred meters, tag the concrete slab and stop your watch, you’re done the effort.

Just to reiterate: Effort starts at the junction of Kovach and Mount Kidd Lookout trail; it ends when you tag the concrete slab at the top.

  • Distance: 2 km up for the Lookout Trail. ~ 8k round trip from the parking lot
  • Difficulty: Pretty damn steep, kinda loose. Sorry.

  • Elevation Gain: 560 metres +-

  • Where to Park: Parking lot on south side of Kananaskis Village

  • Surface: Kovach is a double wide cross country trail, but the actual effort will be on goaty single track

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